Jun 9, 2021Liked by Bryndís Blackadder

Very interesting and so thorough!

I agree with you on the “institutional” feel of the new Stonewall colour scheme. The teal reminds me of ancient gloss paint, peeling off the walls of corridors and stairwells leading to dingy “back-wards” of Psychiatric hospitals in the 1970s.

The stodgy, grubby pink is equally gruesome. All the charm of a derelict public toilet in an abandoned bus station.

Put together, the effect is oppressive and utterly depressing.

I hadn’t made the connection with the insipid pastels of the Trans Flag. I wonder if it was intentional and, if it was, whether it was explicit or all done with a nod and a wink?

As for the future, it is fascinating to see Mermaids argue that the LGB Alliance is a competitor for funding. I would love to see their workings out for that equation.

All the Trans Advocacy groups, including Mermaids, are surely already circling Stonewall to see what pickings they can grab? Is that where Mermaids sees the competition with the LGBA? That as the split between LGB and TQetc widens that funders will “pick a side” rather dole out evenhandedly?

Have you had any thoughts on Stonewall withdrawing support for the case being brought by Mermaids against the Charity Commission? It seems strange that they were in at the start then took a dive so quickly.

ps. The bad news. Substack does not create hyperlinks automatically. It is tedious but you have to manually insert each URL associated with the text.

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Oct 21, 2021Liked by Bryndís Blackadder

Thank you for this! Their tactics are shocking

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